Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Jesus Saves
While driving through Inglewood the other day, I noticed a man holding a sign that read: "Jesus saves gangsters too." We all need to be saved I guess, even gangsters. Also, that man reminded me of my 2005 Mardi Gras trip, one of the one going gags of our trip was "the Jesus people" and "the Jesus corner." Over on Bourbon street they have these Jesus people out in the middle of all the sin that is Marid Gras and Bourbon Street and these people try to talk to drunk people over Jesus and Christianity. My friend Zac had a friendly encounter with them ( I wonder what he would say to the guy holding up the "Jesus saves gangster too" sign?). And when it came to "the Jesus corner," well that was the corner of Bourbon and some other street where they staged their crusade. They even had a big wooden cross with a neon sign that read: "Jesus Saves." The Jesus corner really helped us find our way. It was a meeting point for us when we got split up. Jesus and his corner helped us around Bourbon Street and it seems he helps gangsters in Inglewood too.