Saturday, October 08, 2005


Cruising D.C.

washington%20monument, originally uploaded by delgonzo.

Rain rain go away, come back another day. Or not. Which has been the case since I've been around the D.C. area. Instead of walking around peacefully and devoting the proper time to each historic U.S. landmark, I've had the pleasure of viewing the major D.C. landmarks from the comfort of our pimped out Verizon Wireless Suburban. I must say, it's kind of crazy to see the monuments that close to you. I was espcecially in awe of Capitol Hill (it's bigger than I imagined) But you know what sucks about D.C.? The freaking security around it. Everywhere you go you are being asked for clearance. Most of the landmarks are inaccessible and cops are everywhere. I tell you, there is an abundance of Cops in the D.C. area. You almost feel like you're in a country ruled by a dictator. I related it to the stories my Senora from Spain told me about how living under Franco during his era was filled with security, fear and censorship. Beautiful landmarks, though.


It begins...again

It begins...again, originally uploaded by delgonzo.

Here goes a new Marketing Werks tour and here begins a new chapter to my blog. I landed into Washington, D.C. yesterday and I have been hanging around our Holiday Inn in Alexandria, Virginia. It's been raining non-stop since I've landed here, so I've basically been doing nothing related to work (other than drive our Verizon Wirelss SUV). Even though it's been raining, we try to get around to doing stuff. A place I've found myself twice in is a part of Alexandria called "Old Town" (actually, it's a little like the Old Town in Chicago...except this one is older...I think). What a place. It has a very 1800's era feel to it, the buildings are all made out of bricks and the sidewalks are made of bricks too. It's a big brick town. I could sense the history of this place, it's easy to picture a time when walking around with a top hat was cool. Too bad my walking around time has been limited due to the rain.

Thursday, October 06, 2005


Wrigley Field Experience

Wrigley Field Experience, originally uploaded by delgonzo.

Actually, the very last Chicago Revolution event was the Wrigley Field Experience. It was originally going to happen in September, but due to bad weather, the experience got moved to Oct. 3. What is the Wrigley Field Experience? Well, Chevy RENTED OUT Wrigley Field (yes, the whole park was ours! Invited guests only) and allowed 30 lucky people to play ball on historic Wrigley Field. How freakin' sweet is that?! You get a chance to hit balls out into the field, you get a chance to see the Ivy, you get a chance to visit the dugouts and you get a chance to run across the field without security tackling you. What did I do? Hehehe, well, at the entrance/exit of the dugout they have a little sideroom where they have a sink and urinal for the ball players (you know, so they wouldn't have to run back to the lockeroom to pee). Well ladies and gentleman, I, Gonzalo Del Rio Villasenor, peed in the same urinal that all your past, present and future Cubs players have peed in. Pretty cool to be part of something historic. (Tear)

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Heading East

Well, as you may have read, the Chicago Revolution is over. So what is to become of Gonzalo? Well, let me fill you in: I've accepted a quick promotional tour of the EastCoast. Yes, I shall be going to D.C., NY and Philly for 3 weeks!! I'm leaving Friday morning and I'll be back the end of October. So give me a call if your anywhere near those cities...if not, see you end of October.


Going out with a BANG

Sad. The ChicagoRevolution is over...for now. What began in June has come to an end. But leave it to Chevy to treat everyone to one last event. They rented out the whole Tweeter Center and invited the Lovehammers (the lead singer is Marty Casey, the runner up to that INXS reality show) and Jessica Simpson. But the cool part is that I had backstage access!!! YES! I got a chance to mingle with the roadies (one was from Ireland and we started talking about football (soccer) and we even got a chance to eat in the dinning area (they had really, really good food) and I even got an upclose look at Jessica (eh, whatever). What was cool about it was that I managed to sneak my Sister, her BF, my buddy Quinton and another friend backstage. So they saw the show from the view of the picture I posted. It was sweet how I snuck them in. It felt good to show them a good time for free.


Megaman and Chevy!

We were at the AutoShow in Motion and I came across a really cool minivan...the Megaman minivan (or the megavan as I liked to call it). It was a cool event. You get to test drive a whole bunch of cars for FREE! My personal favorite rides: the GTO and the Mercedez SUV.

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