Saturday, October 08, 2005


It begins...again

It begins...again, originally uploaded by delgonzo.

Here goes a new Marketing Werks tour and here begins a new chapter to my blog. I landed into Washington, D.C. yesterday and I have been hanging around our Holiday Inn in Alexandria, Virginia. It's been raining non-stop since I've landed here, so I've basically been doing nothing related to work (other than drive our Verizon Wirelss SUV). Even though it's been raining, we try to get around to doing stuff. A place I've found myself twice in is a part of Alexandria called "Old Town" (actually, it's a little like the Old Town in Chicago...except this one is older...I think). What a place. It has a very 1800's era feel to it, the buildings are all made out of bricks and the sidewalks are made of bricks too. It's a big brick town. I could sense the history of this place, it's easy to picture a time when walking around with a top hat was cool. Too bad my walking around time has been limited due to the rain.

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