Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Going out with a BANG

Sad. The ChicagoRevolution is over...for now. What began in June has come to an end. But leave it to Chevy to treat everyone to one last event. They rented out the whole Tweeter Center and invited the Lovehammers (the lead singer is Marty Casey, the runner up to that INXS reality show) and Jessica Simpson. But the cool part is that I had backstage access!!! YES! I got a chance to mingle with the roadies (one was from Ireland and we started talking about football (soccer) and we even got a chance to eat in the dinning area (they had really, really good food) and I even got an upclose look at Jessica (eh, whatever). What was cool about it was that I managed to sneak my Sister, her BF, my buddy Quinton and another friend backstage. So they saw the show from the view of the picture I posted. It was sweet how I snuck them in. It felt good to show them a good time for free.

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