Thursday, April 07, 2005
California = Mexico
One thing I have noticed since being in Southern California is that there are a ton of Mexicans everywhere. And I mean a whole lot of them. (Maybe my view is skewed because I am constantly in areas that have a heavy concentration of Mexicans, but still, it's almost like I am in Mexico: I'm always speaking spanish and I am eating a lot of Mexican food.) California might as well belong to the country of Mexico. The Mexicans here go on about their lives as if they are still in Mexico: they speak Spanish to everyone, they drive old cars, they sell food food on the street, they shop at Mexican grocery stores and they hardly speak english. I can see why there are some U.S. born citizens that urge the US gov't to close the borders. These Mexicans just keep pouring in and seemingly go on with their lives as if they still believe they are in Mexico. I'm not complaining. It's great to be surrounded by good Mexican restaurants (every good mexican restaurant makes fresh tortillas!! fresh tortillas taste soooo good. Plus, they have plenty of Aguas Frescas! I am eating so good right now. But I still haven't found good Enchilladas like they have at TBP2) and it's good to be surrounded by Mexican families. But man, I wonder what is going to happen when the pot boils over? Seriously, everyone should start learing Spanish now, because you'll have no other choice.
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I don't know, once you start trying to prevent immigrants from coming to the States, you tread a slipper slope. There are huge benefits to allowing immigrants. For one, programs like Social Security will continue to be viable if we let immigrants into our country to become naturalized citizens, so to allow for more people to fund the program. Also, the U.S. is hardly overcrowded in the way that India or China is. Furthermore, we're opening up an (ideally) democratic form of government to more people by allowing them to come to our shores. Plus, we should be grateful that immigration rights were extended to our ancestors and extend them with the same goodwill to others, in my opinion.
Hello, this is Elaine's roomie. Now, you never met me and after reading this little window into your world, I can see why. Now I thought I was a self-hating Mexican but YOU take the cake. Oh no, you're not complaining, just pointing out the things you don't like. BIG DIFFERENCE. Elaine tried to stop me from writing this but I pushed her off the computer just because this little blog entry of yours pissed me the fuck off. Happy Friday!!!
haha, oh man, I forgot about this website I created back in '05 (gotta love Google Searches).
Hey, I am by no means a Self-Hating Mexican! I love mi raza and mi gente. Simply pointing out stuff about Mexicans does not mean I hate Mexicans. But rereading my post, I can see where it may come off like that. Let me assure you though, I do not hate anything about Mexicans. In fact, I think Mexicans are the best race. Ever.
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Hey, I am by no means a Self-Hating Mexican! I love mi raza and mi gente. Simply pointing out stuff about Mexicans does not mean I hate Mexicans. But rereading my post, I can see where it may come off like that. Let me assure you though, I do not hate anything about Mexicans. In fact, I think Mexicans are the best race. Ever.
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