Saturday, April 16, 2005


The Fugitive

It seems someone up there loves me. Ever since I have been without my beloved TiVo and have been forced into watching regular cable TV, my television viewing experience has not been the same. But the TV Gods have been smiling on me recently. Some of my favorite movies have been appearing on TNT, TBS and Showtime (the only movie cable channel I have). First it was "National Lampoon's Vacation," then it was "Starship Troopers," then "The Shawshank Redemption," and now "The Fugitive"! One of my first favorite movies. "The Fugitive" has everything a great classic movie should have: action, suspense, powerful performances, memorable characters, great directing, a great story and the best part is that it's filmed in Chicago!! Apart from showing some not so nice sides of Chicago, "The Fugitive" shows you the historic town of Pullman and some great skyline shots. Ah Chicago, how I miss you.

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