Sunday, April 10, 2005


Starship Troopers: A Night in Anaheim

Before we went out tonight, I was watching "Starship Troopers" on Showtime. The movie came out in '97 and it is one of the coolest sci-fi/army/action movies...a must see. But, the movie was cut short by our plans for the evening. We made plans to go to this local party in Anaheim for this girl I met through work. It was her birthday and she was having a party. "Cool" I thought, we get to check out the local house party scene. So I was excited. What happened between the time of 9:30pm and 11:10pm has to be one of the most eye opening nights for me. I mean, eye opening in the sense that I was standing at this party, mostly attended by High School Seniors, and I kept thinking to myself "is this what kids do now a days for fun?" I'm only 23 years old and I felt like an old geezer from the 50's. I felt like a square. I couldn't believe what was going on at this party. Kids now a days. One of the strangest party activities that went down: there was a "crew" of guys that brought NOS gas tanks and were selling balloons so you can get high of the gas. HAHA. It was so crazy. Here you are at this high school party and there are these kids sucking the air out of the balloons. I'm so behind with the times. At my next party, I'll make sure to have some NOS Gas tanks and sell balloons (1 balloon for $3 or 5 balloons for $5). The party was cut short by the Police. They must have been the coolest cops I have ever come across on a Saturday night. They did not care that kids were smoking up, they didn't care there was underage drinking, they didn't seem to mind all the balloons, the only thing they cared about was turning the loud music off and kicking everyone out. After dropping off a couple of girls home, we made our way back to our hotel. Laughing all the way back, "Did we really just see them pass around balloons?" At the end, I wish I could of at least caught the ending of "Starship Troopers." ("I expect the best and I give the best. Here's the beer. Here's the entertainment. Now have fun. That's an order.")

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