Thursday, April 14, 2005


Talking Baseball

Talking Baseball, originally uploaded by delgonzo.

You know what would be really cool? If I can complete my Baseball goals of California. My baseball goals of California are to catch a Dodgers game, an Angels game and possibly a Padres game. I don't know what it is, but I am really excited about the Major League Baseball season this year. When I get back to Chicago, I hope to catch a Cubs game from the bleachers and watch the White Sox win their division. But in the meantime, the baseball teams of California will have to hold me over. So far, they have done a GREAT job. I caught my first Home Opener game ever! It was a game I knew I had to catch: the L.A. Dogers versus the S.F. Giants. I didn't officially get tickets till an hour before game time, but I'm glad I was determined to find tickets. I paid $40 bucks and got a seat behind Home Plate in the Reserve Section. The view was incredible (I didn't take the camera, sorry.) and I fell in love with the Dodgers. But this pleasant event didn't start off so pleasant. You see, Dodger Stadium is situated above a hill overlooking the Highway. There is only one way to get there: by driving up. And there is only one way to leave: by driving down. Then you add all the cars, buses and SUV's doing the same and you have yourself a nice little traffic jam. The best way to picture it is by thinking of an Ant Hill and then picturing all the ants making their way up the hill. Very, VERY crowded. The game started at 1:10pm and I got to the start of the hill by 1:00pm. I did not sit in my seat until 2pm! I was going crazy in that cargo van of ours. Plus, what added to my sour mood was that I was listening to the game on the radio and guess what? The Dodgers allowed 5 runs in the 1st inning!! The 1st inning!! The game was shaping up to be a major let down, and I was debating if I should just turn around and forget about the game (why sit through all this traffic for terrible baseball?). Fortunately, I reasoned with myself and sat it out. Thank you Gonzalo. I had a blast watching the Dodgers rally runs and they did end up winning at the bottom of the 9th with a 3 run RBI by Milton Bradley (Got Milt?). I feasted on a Dodger Dog and had some Galric Fries (which I never knew existed till I came upon Dodger Stadium, they're pretty good, but don't try to kiss anybody afterwards ;-) And all through out the game, "Giants Suck" chants were heard loud and clear. What I added to the game? the Hee-Seop Choi chants from his days on the Cubs. It goes like this: "Heee-Seop CHOOOOOIIIIII" An obscure chant, for a little known player.

hee seop choi, yes!! Not a baseball fan, but would catch a game for that guy.
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