Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Come on!

Seriously, do some places have to live up to it's bad reputation!? I'm talking about the bad rap that follows NYC and the surrounding areas. It seems everytime you hear about NYC, you end up hearing all the bad things that happen in NYC. I've tried to stop that, I've been focusing on some of the not bad stuff of NYC. The nice buildings, the unique villages and the good food. BUT you know, after your Mom almost gets her Metro Card stolen (our 1st NYC trip), and you almost get stabbed at a NYC festival (this past Monday) and then someone breaks into your vehicle overnight (last night), I think you pretty much have to add to that bad reputation. Yeah, someone broke into our Suburban last night and tried to take off with it. They busted our window and damaged our driver side door and they broke the console. I tell you, New Freakin' York.

Stabbed? Give us something detailing that! It can't be THAT bad..
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