Saturday, October 29, 2005


Never stop believing!

Never stop believing!, originally uploaded by delgonzo.

I knew it. Ever since the Chicago Cubs made the playoffs in 2003 I had a feeling things would turn out this way. When the Cubs were 5 outs away from going to the World Series I had an uneasy feeling. But of course we know what happened next, the Cubs chocked (as usual) and blew their chance to go on to the 2003 World Series. But ladies and gentleman, I could have told you that was going to happen. For you see, the Cubs could not have gone to the World Series unless the Chicago White Sox won one first. Yes, in order for the Cubs to even make a trip to the World Series the Chicago White Sox would have to win one first. Why? Call it Karma. The Cubs fans have always out numbered the Sox fans because Wrigley Field is the World's Biggest Beer Garden. "Win or Loose, we still Booze" is the motto for Cub fans who would rather drink in the friendly confines then actually experience a baseball game. So the Baseball Gods gathered around and said: "For the Cubs curse to be lifted, the White Sox curse must be lifted first. Why? Because the Goat said so!" So all you Cub fans out there, don't cry too much longer, your time is coming up. My predictions: the 2006 World Series will be the White Sox vs the Cubs. (the White Sox will sweep again). The 2007 World Series will be the White Sox vs the Dodgers (the White Sox will win in 7). The 2008 World Series will be the Yankees vs the Cubs. (the Cubs break their curse on the 100 year anniversary of their last Championship. They win in 6 games)

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