Wednesday, October 19, 2005



Phily Parking, originally uploaded by delgonzo.

So we are now in Philadelphia, PA. My first impression: Messy. Philadelphia is a messy city. I have never seen so much trash and junk scattered across the sidewalks and roads. Hello!? Ever hear of trash cans? Maybe instead of worrying about the Eagles, Rocky and Cheese Steaks you should start worrying about keeping your city clean. Seriously. Maybe that's what I like about Chicago so much, Mayor Daley trys to keep Chicago as beautiful as possible. Oh, also in Philadelphia, they park where ever there is an opening. And if they can't find an opening, they park on the median in the middle of the street. It's true. And it is so common that the cops can't do anything about it. There you are driving on the street and you have to be careful not brush up against the parked cars to the left of you.

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